Tanning Preparation & Care

The spray tanning solution used in Radiance Custom Airbrush Spray Tanning Treatment is certified organic, 100% Vegan (approved by the Peta foundation), made from only naturally derived ingredients, made fresh-not stock piled, paraben free, erythrulose free and fragrance free. This spray tanning solution is recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation, the American Academy of Dermatology Association, the Canadian Dermatology Association and the American Medical Association.

Client Preparation

Prior to your sunless tan, it is important that you exfoliate your skin with a spa grade exfoliator. By exfoliating 12-18 hours prior to being sprayed, the skin is able to naturally moisturize itself and the results of the tan should last longer and stay more even. It’s important not to use bar soaps prior to a sunless tan because the residue acts as a barrier to the active tanning ingredients.

Shower at least 4 hours before the tan (12 to 15 hours is optimal). Any sooner and you run the risk of getting bronzers into the open pores and looking “speckled” and thus becoming clogged.

Wherever the tan is being applied should be free of any products such as but not limited to lotions, oils, deodorants and makeup. It’s also important to be aware that areas that have been waxed within 24 hours may tan lighter than other non-waxed areas of the body.

What to Wear

It is best to wear dark loose fitting clothing to your appointment. Undergarments are always recommended but depending on your comfort level nude may be acceptable. It’s always good to have some sort of tan line which will give you a basis for the color variant of your tan.

Post Tanning Care and Maintenance

Proper post sunless care is pivotal to having and maintaining a sunless tan. Below is a list recommendations for post sunless care:
Twice daily moisturizing
Tan Extender use every 2-3 days
“Pat dry when exiting the shower
Do not use abrasive products on the skin