Dermaplaning Facial

Dermaplaning is a process that exfoliates your skin by removing dead surface skin cells and vellus hair, better known as “peach fuzz”.

It’s different from microdermabrasion where a diamond-tipped stainless steel wand uses suction to abrade the surface of the skin, removing dead surface skin cells. With dermaplaning, a scalpel is used in slow strokes removing vellus hair and dead surface skin.

It’s different from microdermabrasion where a diamond tipped stainless steel wand uses suction to abrade the surface of the skin, removing dead surface skin cells. With dermaplaning, a scalpel is used in slow strokes removing vellus hair and dead surface skin.

Benefits of Dermaplaning
The exfoliation and hair removal leaves your skin brighter and smoother. The treatment may soften fine lines and wrinkles and ease hyperpigmentation or uneven skin tone. It can progressively soften scaring and help allow for improved product penetration and makeup application.


Ready to get started with dermaplaning?:

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