Are you ready for the next generation in Hydro-Plus / Microdermabrasion Treatments?


Create a true signature skin care treatment with custom-tailored serums specifically tailored for your skin care type and needs with this cutting-edge medical-grade treatment. The Hydro-Plus Micro-infusion system refreshes your skin by infusing vitamin and nutrient-rich skin care products into your skin while exfoliating for maximum smoothness and skin rejuvenation, leaving your skin looking and feeling radiant. Choose the serums that are needed for your skin. Vitamin C, Power Hydration, Blem Fighter, Brightening, and more!

Providing lasting results for up to 4 to 6 weeks and no downtime! It does not leave you red or irritated so you can go to your event on the same day as your treatment!

The patented DiamnondTome Hydro-Wand provides a safe and therapeutic approach to superior skin care results by resurfacing the skin through exfoliation and serum infusion.


This crystal-free, medical grade, microdermabrasion exfoliation system features pharmaceutical grade diamond-tipped stainless steel wands, creating a non-invasive treatment standard that reduces aging effects in your skin by removing the topmost layer of skin, leaving it more supple, vibrant, and smooth. Stimulating the elastic tissues beneath the skin’s surface promotes the growth of healthy skin cells resulting in a healthier and firmer appearance. This microdermabrasion treatment can be performed on the face, neck, chest, hands, back, elbows, and feet and can be combined with other add-on treatments such as; European facials, XO8 Vital Restorative Gel Mask, XO8 Revitalizing Face Mask, Rezenerate Nano Needling Treatment, Celluma LED Light Therapy Treatment or Micro-current Treatment. Pain-free and no down.